Expert Safeguarding Guidance When You Need It
A consultant and mentor for safeguarding leads and decision makers in education, health, and social care settings

Does your organisation need a bit more support? 

Safeguarding Supervision was started by Ed who is an experienced child protection chair and local authority designated officer (LADO).  He knows the huge pressure organisations and their safeguarding leads are under to meet their ever-increasing responsibilities. Safeguarding, child protection, safer recruitment, and allegation management can be daunting areas. Staff members are often having to interpret complex information and make decisions quickly about next steps with little support. While annual training provides a valuable opportunity for learning updates, having an expert embedded within your organisation on hand to guide and support you whenever you need it, is the unique offer from Ed at Safeguarding Supervision. 

If you are interested in getting Ed involved with your organisation, or just have a few questions, don't hesitate to get in touch via email or phone. Have a look at our Safeguarding Statement link above to understand our role within your organisation. 

What is Ed offering? 

Ed has been moved by the dedication and commitment of safeguarding leads to the children they work in an increasingly challenging environment. For these reasons he is delighted to have the opportunity to offer his full, long term commitment to your organisation as a consultant, mentor, and critical friend.  


Regular reflective supervision underpinned by motivational interviewing.


Virtual ad-hoc confidential safeguarding discussions (on a no names basis) as and when you need them. 


Support with maintaining compliance with statutory guidance. 

If you are interested in finding out more about the offer, check out our services page at the top of the screen. 

We know that confidence in safeguarding improves outcomes for children